Giovanna CHIMINI "Chevalier à l'ordre des Palmes Académiques"

Giovanna CHIMINI "Chevalier dans l'ordre des Palmes Académiques de Aix-Marseille Université"
This award honours members of the academic community, researchers, teachers and others. After twenty years as team leader at the Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, Giovanna CHIMINI is Associate Dean of Research and International Affairs at the University of Aix-Marseille, School of Science since 2015 and and in charge of international exchanges and institutional partnerships at the since 2010.

André P., et al., Cell, 2018

Une équipe  internationale de chercheurs dirigée par Eric Vivier  et associant l'Inserm, le CNRS et Aix Marseille Université (au sein du Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy), les sociétés Innate Pharma et MedImmune, en collaboration avec l'Assistance publique des Hôpitaux de Marseille, l'Institut Curie, le centre Léon Bérard, Abramson Cancer Center montre que le Monalizumab ouvre de nouvelles perspectives dans le traitement des cancers par immunothérapie.

Pierre Golstein, Inserm Special Prize 2018

Pierre Golstein, Inserm Special Prize 2018. This year, Inserm has decided to award a Special Prize to highlight a major discovery made at Inserm, upstream of the works rewarded by the Nobel Prize in Physiology of Physiology 2018. Pierre Golstein at the Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, is awarded this Special Prize for having been the first to identify the CTLA-4 protein, now targeted in certain cancer immunotherapy strategies.

Crinier A., et al, Immunity, 2018

Eric Vivier's group at the Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CNRS/Inserm/Aix-Marseille University) has highlighted the heterogeneity of "Natural Killer" (NK) cells in humans and mice, blood and spleen. To do this, they used high throughput single-cell RNA sequencing or scRNA-seq, a state-of-the-art molecular biology technique that allows the study of the transcriptomic profile of each cell separately.

Micro-tunnels accelerate the release of antibodies into the bloodstream

Submitted by admin on Mon, 11/19/2018 - 15:53

The team of Marc BAJENOFF, from the Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CNRS/Inserm/Aix-Marseille University), in collaboration with a team of the San Raffaele Institute led by Matteo Iannacone, has discovered that the microarchitecture of lymph nodes allows the release of antibodies to the bloodstream, a mandatory step to their delivery to the infected site. These antibodies are transported via collagen micro-conduits within the lymph node, in the manner of a tunnel or a water pipe.

Thierry GR., et al., J Exp Med., 2018

The team of Marc BAJENOFF, from the Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CNRS/Inserm/Aix-Marseille University), in collaboration with a team of the San Raffaele Institute led by Matteo Iannacone, has discovered that the microarchitecture of lymph nodes allows the release of antibodies to the bloodstream, a mandatory step to their delivery to the infected site. These antibodies are transported via collagen micro-conduits within the lymph node, in the manner of a tunnel or a water pipe.

Bernard MALISSEN, Grand Prix FRM 2018

Submitted by admin on Thu, 11/15/2018 - 18:51

Le 5 novembre 2018, au Collège de France à Paris, le Grand Prix de Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM) a été décerné à Bernard MALISSEN, Directeur de Recherche de classe exceptionnelle du CNRS, au Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, en reconnaissance de l’ensemble de ses travaux dans le domaine de l’immunologie.