Marc Bajenoff, team leader at the CIML, focusing on the immunobiology of stromal cells, is among the 22 distinguished researchers awarded…
A Junior Professor Chair, a new way of recruiting on the basis of research and teaching projects, has been opened in …
Réjane Rua joins the EMBO Young Investigator program
…EMBO Workshop "Tissue resident Immune cells in Health and diseases"
…Sophie UGOLINI is a winner of the Impulscience® program of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation.
…Eric VIVIER and Bernard MALISSEN, team leaders at the Marseille-Luminy Immunology Center, are on the…
The Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy is proud to announce the selection of two new team leaders through our recent competitive…
Immunotherapy of hepatic metastases
The CIML is proud to announce…