Marc Bajenoff, team leader at the CIML, focusing on the immunobiology of stromal cells, is among the 22 distinguished researchers awarded…

A Junior Professor Chair, a new way of recruiting on the basis of  research and teaching projects, has been opened in

Réjane Rua joins the EMBO Young Investigator program

EMBO Workshop "Tissue resident Immune cells in Health and diseases"

Sophie UGOLINI is a winner of the Impulscience® program of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation.

Eric VIVIER and Bernard MALISSEN, team leaders at the Marseille-Luminy Immunology Center, are on the…

The Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy is proud to announce the selection of two new team leaders through our recent competitive…

Immunotherapy of hepatic metastases

The CIML is proud to announce…