Imaging Immunity
The Imaging Immunity – ImagImm - facility offers resources in light and fluorescence microscopy to decipher the operating mechanisms of the immune system, from molecules to whole organisms.
The ImagImm photonic imaging platform is composed of one engineer, Mathieu Fallet (department manager) under the scientific direction of Didier Marguet.
The aims of the service are to:
- Develop light and fluorescence microscopy methods at the state-of the-art
- Provide scientific and technical assistance to acquire and analyze data
- Train users with on-demand theoretical and practical courses
- Maintain instruments and ensure quality control processes
- Perform R&D activity for operating new biophotonic methods appropriate to the CIML scientific community
ImagImm is member of the PICsL microscopy core facility (Plateforme d’Imagerie Commune du Site de Luminy) created in 2002 through a partnership between the CIML and the IBDML (Institut de Biologie du Développement de Marseille-Luminy).
ImagImm is identified at the national level as “Infrastructure en Biologie Santé et Agronomie“ (IBISA) and as part of the France BioImaging network.