The gateway to a career in immunology

Each year, approximately 40 postdocs, with more than half of foreign nationality, work at the CIML. The training they receive in our laboratories allows them to improve their knowledge of immunology, to learn new scientific and technological approaches but also to establish contacts with researchers, clinicians and industrial groups with which the CIML has research partnerships. Many of these researchers continue to work closely with the CIML long after their departure, and some of them have now joined the CIML or another member of the Immunology Cluster of Marseille.

Like the Master and PhD students, post doctoral students are participating in the training program set up by the teaching team of the CIML. They are also encouraged to guide the work of PhD students, to conduct meetings and to develop their own leadership skills that will enable them later to lead a research team.
Postdocs students benefit from external funding (EMBO, ARC, LNCC ...) or internal funding through specific programs and international networks involving their research team at home (ERC, ANR ...).

If you are interested in a period of postgraduate research at the CIML, the first step is to send by mail an application to the team leader of your choice. This should contain:

  • Your complete CV including all of your publications
  • A brief description of your interest in the theme of the laboratory.
  • Letters of recommendation from scientific personalities.