CIML Genomics Core Facility

Created in 2019, the CIML genomics core facility provides expertise on cutting-edge technologies in transcriptomics and genomics within the institute. The core facility is composed of the scientific manager Pierre Milpied (INSERM team leader, single-cell RNA-seq expert), assisted by a steering committee made up of Noushin Mossadegh-Keller (CNRS engineer, expert in single-cell gene expression analysis using the Biomark Fluidigm system), Sandrine Roulland (INSERM team leader, expert in CRISPR/Cas9 screens), Sébastien Jaeger (CNRS engineer, technical manager of the CIML bioinformatics core facility), Lionel Spinelli (AMU engineer, expert analyst of the CIML bioinformatics core facility), and Laurine Gil (INSERM engineer, expert in preparation of NGS and scRNA-seq libraries).  

The CIML genomics core facility gives CIML researchers and scientific staff access to state-of-the-art genomics analysis technologies in line with their scientific projects, thanks to various services/missions :

1. To develop, elaborate and make available protocols based on bulk RNA-seq or scRNA-seq technologies (Pierre Milpied, Laurine Gil) and real-time quantitative PCR including single-cell qPCR (Noushin Mossadegh-Keller).

2. To provide training for CIML staff and local users on these technologies.

3. To provide assistance in the development and management of projects using high-throughput sequencing and/or gene expression by qPCR (from experimental design to data analysis, in close collaboration with the CIML bioinformatics core facility).

4. To develop, elaborate and make available protocols using CRISPR/Cas9 technology in various cellular models, from experimental design (Sandrine Roulland) to bioinformatics analysis. Current developments aim at combining high throughput CRISPR/cas9 screening with RNA sequencing at the single-cell scale and an epigenetic approach.




5. To maintain the core facility's equipment and materials.