Présentations orales et Formations externes


2019, Formation INSERM (DR PACA & Corse), Marseille
Analyses RNA-seq sur cellules uniques : théorie et pratique
Lionel Spinelli, Laurine Gil, Pierre Milpied

2019, Meeting Association Française de Cytométrie, Rennes
Single-cell omics: next generation cytometry
Pierre Milpied

2018, “Recent Advances in Single-Cell Biology”, Rouen
Integrative single-cell analyses of human normal and malignant B cells
Pierre Milpied

2017, Séminaire Annuel du Cancéropôle PACA, Saint-Raphaël, France
Single-cell RNA-seq in cancer science
Pierre Milpied

2016, Séminaire Canceropôle PACA- IPMC, Sophia Antipolis
Single cell in CIML,                                                                                                    
Dr. Mossadegh-Keller and Dr Milpied

2014, Seminar Series_Roadshow Europeen Fluidigm- Ecole Normal Supérieur, Institut Curie, Paris
M-CSF instructs myeloid lineage fate in single haematopoietic stem cells,          
Dr. Mossadegh-Keller

2013, Journées annuelles des Plateformes CoReBio PACA- Théâtre du Grand Château Valrose, Nice
M-CSF instructs myeloid lineage fate in single haematopoietic stem cells,           
Dr Mossadegh-Keller

2012, Seminar Series_Roadshow Europeen Fluidigm- Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris
Analyse by qRT-PCR in single cell of hematopoietic stem cell heterogeneity,     
Dr. Mossadegh-Keller