Strengthening the weakened immune system: an unusual weapon against cytomegalovirus
…Strengthening the weakened immune system: an unusual weapon against cytomegalovirus
…Sethuraman SUBRAMANIAN has received the AMU 2022 Thesis Prize.
Every year, in order to reward…
Pas de choc culturel pour les cellules immunitaires!
Une étude…
Immune Cells Forget (Cell) Culture Shock
A recent study shows that certain immune cells can…
Lab : Michael SIEWEKE
Lab : Michael SIEWEKE
Des cellules souches contre le virus Sars-Cov-2
Au Centre d’immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CIML), l’…
Covid-19 : le BCG, un futur allié contre les formes sévères ?
Le vaccin contre la tuberculose pourrait-il renforcer notre…
Blood Stem Cell Immune Memory: A New Research Avenue in COVID-19
Blood stem cells have a surprising ability. In addition to…