N. Mossadegh-Keller élue au Conseil d'Administration de la Société Française d'Immunologie (SFI)

La SFI est une société savante fondée en 1966 à Paris et a pour but d’encourager, de promouvoir et de réaliser toute action pouvant favoriser le développement de l’immunologie. La SFI fait partie de l’une des 10…

L'EMBL établit de nouvelles collaborations en France

Le Laboratoire Européen de Biologie Moléculaire (EMBL) a signé un mémorandum d’entente pour renforcer sa collaboration avec le Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CIML)

Lancement d'ATLAS : un ambitieux programme de recherche collaborative publique/privée pour améliorer la compréhension et le traitement des lymphomes

Avec 86 000 nouveaux cas par an aux Etats-Unis et 18 000 en France, et des taux de mortalités qui
demeurent élevés, le lymphome est un problème de santé publique.

Philippe Pierre selected for the Sanofi Innovation Awards 2020
His project has been selected for funding within iAwards Europe 2020 Program. This program in Europe helps to create new approaches in upstream research, enabling innovative academic research to be translated into clinical projects with the potential to have a…

Noushin Mossadegh-Keller wins 4th prize in the 2020 Art competition of the French Cancer Society (SFC).
Every year, the SFC organizes an art competition on a theme selected by the Scientific Committee members. This year, the theme was: "DNA in all its states". 33 publications were presented and 4 of them were selected the…

CIML research featured on the cover of Cell Stem Cell
The cover of the renown scientific journal Cell Stem Cell shows the immune potential hidden under the surface of blood stem cells, illustrating a study by the group of Michael Sieweke in the May issue of the journal. Although on the surface gene expression appears…

Clinical trial "FORCE" (For Covid-19 Elimination)
First patient dosed in avdoralimab phase II clinical trial in covid-19 patients with severe pneumonia
See Vidéo

Covid-19, the CIML is mobilising for the AP-HM
Research institutes of the CNRS, Inserm and AMU, on the Luminy campus, including the CIML, Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille Luminy, INMED, LGBP, LP3, MIO, CPPM and the Faculty of Science are mobilizing to offer and bring to the AP-…