Los macrófagos, clave para una eliminación más segura de los tatuajes
Hallada la forma de evitar que los fragmentos de…

Le secret de l’éternité des tatouages découvert
Des chercheurs marseillais ont observé comment le pigment persistait…

Tattoos are permanent, but the science behind them just shifted
New research suggests that our bodies might have an…

New insight into what makes tattoos last forever could improve laser removal techniques
Once you get inked, you’re in it…

Tattoos Last Forever Because Your Immune Cells Are Hungry for Dead Skin
You can thank your immune system for many things —…

Tats Off: Targeting the Immune System May Lead to Better Tattoo Removal...…

Scientists Finally Know Why Tattoo Ink Lasts Even Though Skin Regenerates - After killing dermal macrophages that hold tattoo ink. They found that…

Tats Off: Targeting the Immune System May Lead to Better Tattoo Removal
A discovery about the body's cellular waste system…