
Introduction and Use


As part of the European project NEMAGENETAG, labs in Marseille, Lyon and Bristol worked together to produce a large collection of Mos1 insertion alleles. Most of these are publicly available, and are recorded in Wormbase.

MosLocator is a tool for researchers who wish to look for insertions in or near one or many genes. It sends queries to a local database; depending on the number of queries and connection speeds, it may take a few seconds or even a couple of minutes for the answer to come back.


If you use MosLocator, please cite the following article:

Vallin et al. A genome-wide collection of Mos1 transposon insertion mutants for the C. elegans research community. PLoS One (2012) 7(2):e30482.


The input for MosLocator needs to be one or more gene sequence name. We are currently using WS220. You can use WormMart, or WormBase Converter to generate lists of sequence names.

As MosLocator was principally designed to help researchers planning to use MosTIC, there is the option to broaden the search to a window on either side of the chosen gene(s) or to restrict it to only exonic regions. Note that MosTIC efficiency falls off beyond 1.5 kb. As others may wish to use it for MosDEL, that can allow the creation of deletions up to 25 kb away from a Mos1 insertion, this window can be extended even further. If you do use a large window, you should only submit one gene at a time. Otherwise, there will be a substantial delay, and you may get back excessively long lists.

If when you click on the link for a specific allele you get a message such as "<font color="red">Couldn't open database.</font>", the problem lies with Wormbase! Sometimes, if you try again, even seconds later, it will work. Don't blame us!

Access MosLocator


MosLocator was written by Julien Maurizio during a rotation in the Ewbank lab at the  CIML.

WormBase Converter

     Please see the WB Converter home page.