
Welcome to the

Techno-Eugenics Email List

Number 1

September 10, 1999




This is the first edition of the Techno-Eugenics Email List.
As far as we know, it's the only list focused on the politics
of the new human genetic and reproductive technologies.

We support biotechnology in the public interest. We oppose
policies and biotechnologies--including human germline
engineering and human cloning--that foster inequality,
discrimination, objectification, and the commodification
of human genes and tissues.

The pace of developments has picked up considerably in the
past several months. And glimmers of opposition are starting
to emerge. But most Americans--including most activists and
academics--have no idea that a small group of influential
scientists have launched a campaign to promote germline
engineering, human cloning, and a techno-eugenic future.

We've begun working to change that situation: to alert the
public about the new technologies and the techno-eugenic vision;
to educate environmental, social justice, women's health, public
health, and other groups; and to create organized opposition.

TEEL will consist largely of announcements about relevant
events (especially in California), brief updates on important
developments, and pointers to useful information.

For at least the next several months, TEEL will be irregular
(a couple times a month), informal, and non-automated. We'd
welcome feedback, and suggestions about focus and format.
A web site will be coming soon.

Marcy Darnovsky will moderate. Send her submissions at the
email address below.

This first edition is being sent to people with whom we've
been in contact about human cloning, germline engineering,
genetic enhancement, and related issues.

Let us know if you don't want to receive TEEL--we won't
be hurt. On the other hand, feel free to pass TEEL on to
others who may be interested in becoming involved, and
encourage them to subscribe. No obligations!

Marcy Darnovsky Rich Hayes
teel@adax.com rhayes@socrates.berkeley.edu



Please join us to discuss the best next steps toward organizing
opposition to techno-eugenics. We'll devote time both to
conceptualizing a political framework for this effort, and
to nuts-and-bolts planning for future events. We'll consider
the possibility of a day-long conference before the end of the
calendar year.

Tuesday, September 21, at 7:00 p.m., in the offices of the
Energy and Resources Group, 387 Barrows Hall, on the south
side of the UC Berkeley campus, just east of Sproul Hall.
(Email Rich Hayes for more detailed directions.)

We'll provide coffee, tea, and dessert.

Please let us know that you're planning to attend.


The meeting will begin with very brief updates on recent
developments, including:

- the California State Advisory Committee on Human Cloning,
and an activist protest against it in San Diego

- the meaning of the media coverage of the so-called "smart
mouse"--including Time's cover story on "the IQ gene"

- James Grifo's effort at NYU to create babies with three
genetic parents

- a conference held at UC Berkeley by the Extropians, a
group organizing in support of human germline enhancement,
cloning, and cryogenics

- the ABC Nightline special on human cloning

- the "BioDevastation 3" grassroots conference in Seattle




-- Briefing paper on "The Threat of the New Human Techno-
Eugenics," by Rich Hayes. 8 pages. Available from

-- GeneWatch, the newsletter of the Council for Responsible
Genetics, has just published an excellent special issue
(August 1999) on human cloning. Subscription information:
CRG, 5 Upland Road, Suite 3, Cambridge, MA 02140. Phone:
617-868-0870. Individual subscriptions (6 issues) are $24.

-- Wild Duck Review special issue on biotechnology, with
detailed discussion of human genetic technologies. For
information about copies, email Casey Walker, editor, at

-- For the best recent short statement in a prestigious
medical journal against human germline engineering, see
"Human Germline Gene Modification: A Dissent," Paul
Billings, Ruth Hubbard, and Stuart Newman. The Lancet
Vol 353 Number 9167, 29 May 1999.

-- Notes on the first two meetings of the California Cloning
Committee, including testimony from Paul Billings of Council
for Responsible Genetics. Available from Rich Hayes,

-- ABC News "Nightline in Primetime" aired a special on human
cloning on August 19, 1999. Anchor Ted Koppel and correspondent
Robert Krulwich joined featured guest Lee Silver in endorsing
human genetic enhancement. A 5-page summary is available from
Marcy Darnovsky, teel@adax.com. Video copies and transcripts are
available from ABC News (abcnews.com), which also has a web site
based on the special at http://abcnews.go.com/onair/popoff/bnw .

-- A list of recent books on the new human genetic technologies
is available from Marcy Darnovsky, teel@adax.com.

-- Notes on the acquisition by Geron, a Menlo Park biotech
company, of Roslin Bio-Med and the nuclear transfer technology
used to create Dolly, the cloned sheep. 2 pages. Available
from Marcy Darnovsky, teel@adax.com.